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We offer two extended care times. Our morning extended care is from 8:00am - 8:30am and our afternoon program is from 1pm - 5:30pm. The extended care times are both mixed-aged. Children have opportunities to rest, nap, and play with children in wider age ranges. The afternoon extended care program is meant to have a home-like feel where they can extend their play for longer periods of time.
Sample afternoon program schedule:
01:00 to 02:00: Enrichment & Elective classes
01:00 to 03:30: Nap and Rest times
02:00 to 02:30: Snack time
02:00 to 04:00: Outdoor playtime
04:00 to 04:30: Snack time
04:30 to 05:00: Music and Movement time
05:00 to 05:30: Free Indoor / Outdoor playtime
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