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August 12th - August 15th - Staff Development (School Closed)
August 15th - Welcome Back Play Date
August 19th - First Day of School
September 2nd - Labor Day (School Closed)
November 11th - Veteran's Day (School Closed)
November 25th - November 29th - Thanksgiving Break (School Closed)
December 23rd - January 3rd - Christmas Break (School Closed)
January 6th - First day back from Christmas Break
January 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day (School Closed)
February 17th - President's Day (School Closed)
March 31st - April 4th - Spring Break (School Closed)
May 23rd - End of Year Celebration/ Last Day of School
(Early Dismissal @ 1:00 PM)
May 26th - May 30th - Summer Prep Week (School Closed)
Calendar can be changed and Events added at any time. Please look for updates on our news section.
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